3. When to apply?

Please note that UNEP-CTCN and UNDP have different timelines in the AFCIA.

  • (UNEP-CTCN) There will be three-time opportunities to submit an application (technology concept) to UNEP-CTCN. The first, second and third calls for application submission are planned to be open in November 2020, February 2021 and May 2021, respectively.
  • (UNDP) The first call for proposals will be open in late November, and final grantees will be selected in late December. The first cycle of projects will be implemented for two years from December 2020 to December 2022. The second call for proposals will be in late 2022 for another two-year project cycle.


Please check more details on the UNEP-CTCN programme and the UNDP programme either by clicking on the application buttons or through the web-links as below:

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