The CTCN operates within its terms of reference and is accountable to and under the guidance of the COP through an advisory board. Its founding documents are listed below:
- Functions of the CTCN (page 20, paragraph 123)
- Terms of reference of the CTCN (page 47)
- Modalities and procedures of the CTCN (page 28)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the COP and UNEP (page 10)
- Constitution of the CTCN Advisory Board (page 15)
- Rules of procedure of the CTCN Advisory Board (page 32)
- CP26 Review of CTCN Advisory Board Constitution.pdf
- MoU between the UNFCCC and UNEP to host the CTCN
Key documents
- Report on modalities and procedures of the CTCN and Network and its Advisory Board
- CTC Network criteria
- CTCN prioritization criteria
- Technology Framework under Article 10
- CTCN Third Programme of Work 2023-2027