Adaptation of Moroccan agriculture to climate change: development of an agricultural irrigation information system and dissemination of good agricultural practices for dry lands Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Water Country Morocco
Energy efficiency improvement in industrial sector Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Mitigation Sectors Energy efficiency Country Thailand
Super critical thermal power plants (TPP) capacity 600 MW Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Mitigation Sectors Renewable energy Country Mongolia
Establishment of special agricultural R&D centre Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry Cross-sectoral enabler Communication and awareness Country Bangladesh
Rain harvesting technology via reservoir Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Water Country Indonesia
Production of rubber clones and varieties of cocoa, banana and rice seeds tolerant to water stress Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Agriculture and forestry
Development of energy efficiency and management systems to industry commercial/services entities and municipalities Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Mitigation Sectors Energy efficiency Cross-sectoral enabler Communication and awareness Country Zambia
Demonstrate effective practices of application of efficient stoves in remote rural communities of Azerbaijan Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Mitigation Sectors Energy efficiency Country Azerbaijan
The water resource management capacity development and international knowledge networking project motivation Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Water Country Thailand
National water saving irrigation programme Type of National plan TNA Project Idea Objective Adaptation Sectors Water Country Morocco