Despite the difficult challenges, the Government of Iraq has laid out an economy-wide plan to reduce GHGs emission by around 14% from the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario over the period 2020 until 2035. The graph in the document below illustrates that the INDC of Iraq presents two conditional scenarios for that aforementioned emission reduction plan;
Type of National planCountryIraq
Type of National planCountryCongo - Brazzaville
“La contribution de la République du Congo devrait permettre de réduire, dans un scénario bas-carbone conditionnel (dépendant de l’appui de la communauté internationale), les émissions de GES d’environ 48% en 2025 (soit 8 MteqCO2), et 54% en 2035 (soit 19 MteqCO2) par rapport au scénario tendanciel.” In a conditional, low-carbon scenario, the contribution of the Republic of Congo should reduce GHG emissions by about 48% in 2025 (or 8 MtCO2e) and by 54% in 2035 (or 19 MtCO2e) compared to the baseline scenario and depending on the support of the international community.
Type of National planCountryNiue
In line with Niue’s resilience approach to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels, Niue will achieve a 38% share of renewable energy of total electricity generation by 2020. (In 2014 the renewable energy share was 2% and this contribution assumes assistance to address critical grid stability issues). This will in part be delivered by a 10% reduction in residential, commercial and government electricity demand by 2020.
Type of National planCountryKazakhstan
The Republic of Kazakhstan intends to achieve an economy-wide target of 15% (unconditional target) - 25% (conditional target) reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.
Type of National planCountrySouth Africa
South Africa’s emissions by 2025 and 2030 will be in a range between 398 and 614 Mt CO2–eq, as defined in national policy.
The adaptation component of South Africa’s INDC will address adaptation through six goals, underpinned by key elements of adaptation planning, costing of adaptation investment requirements, equity, and means of implementation. (Further described below) -
Type of National planCountryQatar
Qatar in its INDC communicated Economic Diversification with Mitigation Co-benefits in energy efficiency, clean energy and renewables, research and development, education, and tourism. It also communicated Adaptation actions with Mitigation Co-benefits in water management. infrastructure and transport, waste management, and awareness.
Type of National planCountryCook Islands
The Cook Islands is committed to a future powered by renewable energy with targets of 50% of islands transformed from diesel based to renewable sourced electricity by 2015, to 100% coverage by 2020 (Cook Islands Renewable Electricity Chart, 2011)...Using 2006 as the base year, emission from electricity generation will be reduced by 38% by 2020. Conditional on receiving external support, Cook Islands could reduce emissions from electricity generation by a further 43%, totalling an 81% emissions reduction by 2030 (relative to 2006). The INDC also includes a section on adaptation.
Type of National planCountryComoros
“L’Union des Comores s’engage à réduire ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 84% à l’horizon 2030 par rapport aux émissions du scénario de référence de la même année. Cette réduction inclut les absorptions du secteur Utilisation des Terres, Changement d’Affectation des terres et Foresterie (UTCAF) également.” The Union of the Comoros aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 relative to reference scenario emission levels in the same year. This reduction includes sinks from the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector.
Type of National planCountryUnited Arab Emirates
In the post-2020 period the United Arab Emirates will continue to expand its ambitious actions to limit emissions and improve resilience through economic diversification, in accordance with Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20. The UAE’s actions are based on a strategy of economic diversification that will yield mitigation and adaptation cobenefits, consistent with the approach adopted under Decision 24/CP.18. To this end, the UAE will pursue a portfolio of actions, including an increase of clean energy to 24% of the total energy mix by 2021.
Type of National planCountrySomalia
Somalia communicated nine ready for implementation and planned adaptation and mitigation INDCs projects in its INDC.