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Adaptation planning

  • Sectors


    Downscaling of climate change models is the procedure of using large-scale climate models to make

    climate predictions at finer temporal and spatial scales to fit the purpose of local level analysis and

    planning. This typically involves use of Global Climate Models (GCMs) representing physical processes in

    the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and land surface, simulating the response of the global climate

    system to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, using different emissions scenarios. Downscaling

  • Objective
    Cross-sectoral enabler


    Ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) refers to the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall strategy to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.  It is relevant to many situations, from mountains to lowlands, and from land to sea. With so much of the world’s population living in or near coastal regions, and with many of their livelihood activities dependent on marine and coastal ecosystems, coastal EBA initiatives are especially important.

  • Objective
    Cross-sectoral enabler

    Rural, as well as urban, communities are increasingly confronted with the realities of climate change. Community based adaptation (CBA) supports communities in understanding the changes they face and take informed and appropriate actions that result in climate resilient development on an ongoing basis. Planning is an essential element of CBA because successful adaptation depends on ability to manage climate impacts, risks and uncertainty, which requires forward-looking and informed decision-making.