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Technologies are not gender neutral, and tackling climate change demands that everyone's experience and skills are utilized. Therefore climate technology action needs to ensure that women and men are both engaged in decision-making processes, development and use of technologies, and benefit from their outcomes. Women commonly face higher risks and greater burdens from the impacts of climate change, and their needs must be addressed to ensure effective and equitable climate change actions. Women also bring new perspectives and innovations in identifying and implementing solutions. Below you will find  gender-related publications, partners, CTCN technical assistance, technologies and other information for exploring the topic of gender and climate change solutions further.  


  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Marine and Fisheries
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Infrastructure and Urban planning

    The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) is a pioneering development research think tank on harnessing applications of science, technology and innovation policies for sustainable development in Africa.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Network Member
    Sector(s) of expertise
    Marine and Fisheries
    Early warning and Environmental assessment
    Carbon fixation and abatement
    Infrastructure and Urban planning

    We have organized initiatives since 2012 working on the strategic lines of climate change, biodiversity, and water and on the transversal lines of education, empowerment, governance, and planning.

  • Knowledge partner
    Country of registration
    Relation to CTCN
    Knowledge Partner
    Sector(s) of expertise

    The Network of African Women Environmentalists (NAWE) is a peer empowerment network which connects environmental advocates working at different levels, sectors and countries to realize the future the want for their landscapes during the UN Decade of Ecosysems Restoration 2021 - 2030. The Net

  • Publication date

    The Women and Gender Constituency and Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) present the accomplishment of 15 award winners who implement Gender Just Climate Solutions all around the world. They demonstrate climate resilient and transformative development models that bring multiple social and environmental benefits. 

  • Publication date

    El Grupo Constituyente de Mujeres y Género, junto con otras organizaciones de mujeres, género y derechos humanos, ha estado presionando activamente a líderes y lideresas mundiales para que garanticen políticas climáticas justas y equitativas que pongan en primer lugar el respeto a los derechos de las personas y la integridad del planeta, al tiempo que respondan a la injusticia entre los países y dentro de ellos en relación con los impactos climáticos y la resiliencia.

  • Publication date

    La Constituante Femmes et Genre, avec d’autres défenseur se.s des droits humains, du genre et des femmes, demande aux dirigeants mondiaux de garantir des politiques climat justes et équitables, qui donnent la priorité au respect des droits des peuples et à l’intégrité de la planète, tout en répondant aux injustices entre les nations et au sein de celle-ci, dues aux effets du climat, et aux différentes capacités de résilience.

  • Publication date

    Launched by the Women and Gender Constituency in 2015, the Award honours the fundamental contribution of gender equality and women’s organisations in the fight against climate chaos and demonstrates the necessity to integrate gender equality in all climate policies.

    "The incredible dynamism of the Gender Just Climate Solutions awardees network is a source of innovative and successful experiences that informs the CTCN’s recommendations for gender-responsive technology transfer and development", noted CTCN Director Dr. Rose Mwebaza.