Retrofitting of existing buildings
The solar panels on the newly renovated Solhusen buildings have high symbolic value, and Solhusen has become a symbol for the whole suburb of Gårdsten. However, there is far more to Solhusen than just solar panels.
The AddAir heater/heat exchanger completely changes the dehumidification process in a poultry house. We see a cut in heating costs by almost 70 % compared to traditional heaters.
Heating with AddAir
During the first weeks the AddAir work no different from other water carried heaters. With dampers closed the AddAir bring room air through the heater where it is heated to room temperature. -
ALPHA2 from Grundfos represents a new generation of circulator pumps that use down to 5W – the A-labelled pump can save up to 10% of a household’s total power consumption.
The HE740 from DACS is a high efficiency and energy saving exhaust unit for livestock facilities. With a specific power input of 25,5 W / 1000 m3/hour, the exhaust unit is “best practice” in the industry and takes a significant lead over competing products. The HE740 will reduce your energy bill significantly and make you stay competitive in an ever changing and challenging market.
MagFan offers an unprecedented combination of high capacity, high pressure and extreme efficiency. Wherever energy is a limited resource and high capacity, high flow rates and high pressures is needed, MagFan is the answer. The unit is totally corrosion resistant and requires no maintenance, and the estimated service life of the product is in excess of 100000 hours.
The MAGNA3 pumps make up a broad range of small, medium and large circulator pumps fitted with communication equipment and motors with electronic speed control based on permanent magnet (PM) and compact stator motor technology.
The MAGNA3 is an innovative member of the Grundfos family of high-quality circulator pumps.
With a MAGNA3, you can stop worrying about complicated pump settings. Simply install the pump and leave it on the factory setting, AUTOADAPT (MAGNA3 only).
The Purix Solar Cooling system is a unique stand-alone product applying a modular design.
Being the only supplier worldwide combining conventional absorption cooling technology with a split type product design, PURIX holds a pole position in commercial solar cooling systems – off-the-shelf.
Heating and cooling are the main energy consumers in buildings and account for two thirds of a building’s total energy consumption. However, most of this energy is wasted due to inadequate insulation. By using well-proven energy efficiency techniques, 70 to 90 % of a building’s energy need for heating or cooling can be cut.
ROCKWOOL insulation provides solutions for architects creating innovative building solutions or homeowners who want a better insulated attic in order to reduce the heating bill. -
SolarVenti has produced solar air collectors for different purposes for more than 25 years. In 2015 the number of sold collectors is near to 70.000 units.
The air collectors have a unique way of heating fresh air – running for free by solar energy. The air collectors heats and dehumidificates houses, basements or other buildings having humidity problems.
When heating the air you lower the relative humidity, and this may be used for drying and making a better indoor climate. The small systems even run for free using a solar driven fan.