Urban drainage and sewer systems are facing increasing pressures due to climate change and rapid urbanization rates. Common risks in these types of environments include sewer overflows due to heavy rainfall, and associated water contamination risks.
Optimizing drainage systems aims to improve those already existing so that drainage overflows are minimized without having to expand the system. Computer simulation models improve real time operations using algorithms to evaluate system performance of, reveal deficiencies, identify high flood-risk areas, and illustrate optimal design improvement interventions such as optimal pump capacities, storage sizes, and locations, green spaces, etc. This helps managers meet desired system requirements to avoid overflows at the lowest possible costs and highest efficiency. Modern urban drainage systems are often co-optimized through linking them to other water management objectives such as improved recycling, groundwater recharge, water purification and recreational zone establishment ( green spaces), therefore offering multiple benefits from a single investment.
Modelling and analysis of local climate change trends, rainfall patterns, population dynamics and land-use change and their effects on drainage and sewer systems is an important first for calculating overall system capacity and retention capacity. This identifies flood and overflow risk areas, in turn determining priority sections for intervention. This process can also benefit from involvement of a broader community of stakeholders, such as those from the land use planning and urban development sectors.
In addition to these hydrological analyses, Socio-economic and environmental analyses can help identify optimization efforts to address local community needs of local communities, for example establishment of a recreational green area that also optimizes drainage systems.
Environmental Benefits
- Supports enhanced urban biodiversity and natural infiltration.
- Improves groundwater recharge (infiltration systems such as trenches and permeable surfaces).
- Decreases runoff rates and reduces the amount of pollution entering local watersheds.
Socioeconomic Benefits
- Minimizes risk of flood events and subsequent damage, including water contamination.
- Reduces costs of physical system expansion and new treatment facilities.
- Results in recreational benefits that add to green space in urban settings, for example bioswales, wetlands, ponds, etc.
- Improves storage, provides effective treatment (improved water quality) and recycles systems, which can reduce water stress on local reservoirs.
Opportunities and Barriers
- Multiple benefits from a single investment – environmental and health benefits, as well as improved cost effectiveness and avoided costs
- Hydraulic models and algorithm optimization can help create an integrated overview of urban drainage systems and improve real-time operation, and aligned system development across various dimensions
- Climate change adaptation awareness integrated into local planning and urban development agenda
- Optimization diagnosis requires an expert overview and system flow quantification, which may not be possible in certain locations
- Mathematic models and estimation have limits
- Certain physical optimization interventions, such as permeable surfaces, require continuous maintenance
Implementation considerations*
Technological maturity: 3-5
Initial investment: 2-3
Operational costs: 2-3
Implementation timeframe: 2-4
* This adaptation technology brief includes a general assessment of four dimensions relating to implementation of the technology. It represents an indicative assessment scale of 1-5 as follows:
Technological maturity: 1 - in early stages of research and development, to 5 – fully mature and widely used
Initial investment: 1 – very low cost, to 5 – very high cost investment needed to implement technology
Operational costs: 1 – very low/no cost, to 5 – very high costs of operation and maintenance
Implementation timeframe: 1 – very quick to implement and reach desired capacity, to 5 – significant time investments needed to establish and/or reach full capacity
This assessment is to be used as an indication only and is to be seen as relative to the other technologies included in this guide. More specific costs and timelines are to be identified as relevant for the specific technology and geography.
Sources and further information
- UNEP-DHI Partnership: Optimization of urban drainage systems
- Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Willems, P., Olsson, J., Beecham, S., Pathirana, A., Bülow Gregersen, I., Madsen, H. and Nguyen, V.-T.-V. (2013). Impacts of climate change on rainfall extremes and urban drainage systems: a review. Water Science & Technology, 68.1, pp. 16-28. Available at:
- Cordero, W. (2012). Multi-Objective Optimization for Urban Drainage Rehabilitation. CRC Press/Balkema.
- DHI (2016). Urban Climate Change Guidelines: How to Achieve Sustainable Adaptation in Urban Areas. Greve Forsyning, VandCenter Syd, PH-Consult and DHI. Available at:…;
- European Climate Adaptation Platform (2016). Water sensitive urban and building design. European Environment Agency. Available at:…;
- Maharjan, M., Pathirana, A., Gersonius, B. and Vairavamoorthy, K. (2009). Staged cost optimization of urban storm drainage systems based on hydraulic performance in a changing environment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, pp. 481–489. Available at:
- Muleta, M. and Boulos, P. (2007). Multi objective Optimization for Optimal Design of Urban Drainage Systems. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: pp. 1-10. Available at:
- Paludan, B., Brink-Kjær, A., Nielsen, N.H., Linde, J.J., Jensen, L.N. and Mark, O. (2010). Climate change management in drainage systems – A “Climate Cookbook” for adapting to climate changes. Novatech. Available at:…;
- Zhou, Q. (2012). Urban drainage design and climate change adaptation decision-making. Technical University of Denmark. Available at:…;
- Zhou, Q. (2014). A Review of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Considering the Climate Change and Urbanization Impacts. Water 2014, 6, pp. 976-992. Available at: