Technical Assistance

The CTCN provides technical assistance in response to requests submitted by developing countries via their nationally-selected focal points, or National Designated Entities (NDEs) . Upon receipt of such requests, the Centre mobilizes its global Network of climate technology experts to design and deliver a customized solution tailored to local needs. The CTCN does not provide funding directly to countries, but instead supports the provision of technical assistance provided by experts on specific climate technology sectors.

Types of Technical Assistance

The CTCN delivers five main types of technical support on climate technologies.
person working in the field
Technical Assessments
Research and development of technologies, piloting and deployment in local conditions, feasibility studies
girl smiling with a plant in her hand
Governance and Planning
Sectoral roadmaps, strategies and recommendations for law, policy and regulations
two people working
Capacity Building
Stakeholder engagement, trainings and workshops, communications and awareness raising
A person fishing
Tools and Methodologies
Decision-making tools, information provision, technology identification and prioritization
two people working
Collaboration with Financial Mechnism, private sector engagement and market creation

Search for technology through our projects

Technical Assistance

We have the technological capability to meet our needs in a cleaner, more efficient way and to adapt to a changing climate. The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) puts that potential in the hands of developing countries by accelerating the development and transfer of climate technologies at their request, as they strive to meet their climate change and sustainable development goals. 

  • To developing countries at the request of their NDEs,
  • Free of charge (with a value up to 250,000 USD),
  • At local, national or regional levels,
  • To academic, public, NGO, or private sector entities,
  • For a broad range of adaptation and mitigation technologies,
  • At all stages of the technology cycle: from identification of climate technology needs; policy assessment; selection and piloting of technological solutions; to assistance that supports technology customization and widespread deployment.

What is Technology Transfer? 

Technology transfer encompassess the broad set of processes that cover the flows of knowledge, experience, and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change among different stakeholders. It comprises the process of learning to understand, utilize, and replicate the technology, including the capacity to choose it, adapt it to local conditions, and integrate it with indigenous technologies. 

IPCC Special Report on Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer, 2000

Submit Request

How Technical Assistance Works

From Request to Implementation
Request Submission
Photo: AzuKo
Interested parties in developing countries contact their national focal point (National Designated Entity, NDE) to request climate technology assistance.
The NDE confirms the alignment of the request with its national climate priorities and passes it along to the CTCN.
Response Plan Design
people at work
The CTCN collaborates with the NDE and applicants to develop a tailored technology transfer plan, called ‘Response Plan’.
Bidding Process
Photo: Nirapod Bangladesh Songstha
The Climate Technology Centre selects a Consortium or Network member to implement the technology solutions.
Project Implementation
A person fishing
The selected Network member through a bidding process implements the projects according to the ‘Response Plan’, and the Climate Technlogy Centre conducts due diligence of deliverables including its closure reports and impact statements.
Monitoring and Evaluation
people driving on the street
The Climate Technology Centres regularly reach out to the NDEs, project implementers and project proponents to follow up to collect the lessons learned and impacts achieved in countries.
Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA)
The Adaptation Fund has launched a new USD 10 million pilot small grants programme (Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator, AFCIA) to foster innovation in adaptation in developing countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25).
Climate Change and Security: Innovative Community-based Climate Technology for Communities at Risks of Conflicts Due to Climate Impact
The European Union has committed EUR 3 million over 3 years to support ten requests from countries at risks of conflicts due to climate impact in providing conflict-sensitive, field-focused, reliable, cost-effective climate technologies solutions.