This Technology Transfer Advances Kenya's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to expand in clean energy options such as geothermal, and to abate its GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 143 MtCO2eq and in line with its sustainable development agenda.
Kenya is endowed with vast geothermal resources, and direct use application of geothermal energy has been thoroughly tested. For instance, KenGen PLC has show-cased direct use application of geothermal resources at its Geothermal Spa and Demonstration Centre at Olkaria, the only one of its kind in Africa. In spite of this development, geothermal resource direct use applications are still underdeveloped in the coutnry, with less than one thousand of the technical potential currently being used as a result of lack of human capacity. Additionally, there is need for a tailored approach to the engagement of local communities in order to demonstrate the benefits of such projects and ensure gender consideration are incorporated.
CTCN Support
- Conduct an assessment of possible opportunities available for direct use application of the vast geothermal resources in Kenya, including in the country’s key sectors of agriculture, manufacturing and tourism
- Provide training for a team of geothermists (geo-scientists, engineers and environmental specialists)
Expected Impact
The technical assistance will provide:
- a framework for near- and long-term policy and strategy for the utilisation of direct use applications
- help to map out all the possible direct use opportunities capable of being supported by the vast geothermal resources for the betterment of the lives of communities living around these geothermal prospects
- It will also help in introducing and equipping the local capacity with the necessary technical skills required to handle the technical challenges.