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Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA), second edition : AFCIA II

The AFCIA II programme continues the collaboration between UNEP CTCN and the Adaptation Fund to boost innovation in climate adaptation technologies.

The programme targets developing countries, with special attention to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as despite contributing only 3.3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, these countries suffer the most from climate change impacts and are particularly vulnerable due to their geographic, economic, and structural challenges.


About the programme : AFCIA II

The AFCIA II programme continues the collaboration between UNEP CTCN and the Adaptation Fund to boost innovation in climate adaptation technologies.

AFCIA II is focused on implementing 60 projects across developing countries, with special attention to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as despite contributing only 3.3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, these countries suffer the most from climate change impacts and are particularly vulnerable due to their geographic, economic, and structural challenges.

AFCIA II aims to test, scale up, and secure financing for innovative, transformative, and locally-led climate adaptation technologies. AFCIA II addresses the main challenges to developing and transferring climate adaptation technologies which include:

  • financial constraints 
  • inadequate policies and regulations, 
  • as well as limited organizational capacity.

A series of webinars were held in October 2024 to describe the eligibility criteria and application process for AFCIA II. For those of you who wish to see the video recording of the webinar, please click here.

Programme objectives/outcomes

AFCIA II programme builds on AFCIA I by identifying, demonstrating, and scaling up innovative adaptation technologies. AFCIA II will implement more projects, increasing by 60 the number of Technical Assistance that will be funded, with a stronger focus on digitalization and enhancing National Systems of Innovation (NSI) in non-Annex I countries. Digital Public Goods will be utilized for capacity building and knowledge sharing.

Primary objective: Support countries in testing, scaling up, and leveraging innovative, transformative, and locally-led climate adaptation technologies, integrating them into National Systems of Innovation (NSI). With the NSI-oriented approach in place, AFCIA II aims to influence systemic decision-making and develop tools for enabling environments by refining business models, policies, regulations, and standards tailored to regional contexts, thereby fostering private sector growth and market development in developing countries.


  • Encourage, test, and demonstrate adaptation technology innovation across development stages and sectors.
  • Scale up high-impact adaptation technologies for accelerated impact.
  • Create enabling environments for continuous innovation.
  • Share knowledge and build capacity on adaptation technologies, promoting digital public goods through CTCN's platform.

Program phases and outcomes:

Incubation phase:

  • Support the testing of 40 innovative and transformative climate adaptation technologies and solutions in developing countries. 

Acceleration phase:

  • Facilitate the scaling up of 10 promising adaptation technologies that have already been successfully tested. 
  • Establish and strengthen National Systems for Innovation in adaptation technologies in 10 countries. 

Transversal capacity building and knowledge sharing phase:

  • Develop and implement outreach and capacity building plans to enhance knowledge and skills related to adaptation technologies.
  • Build capacity and share knowledge on adaptation technologies using Digital Public Goods and other instruments.

The programme does not transfer any funds directly. Instead, it provides support through technical assistance from CTCN network partners. This approach ensures that the programme's focus remains on capacity building and knowledge sharing, leveraging the expertise and resources of CTCN network partners to maximize impact.

Who can apply

Applications are open to entities based in developing countries that have a National Designated Entity (NDE) to the Technology Mechanism. Eligible applicants include public institutions, private institutions, civil society organizations, community groups, research centers, and universities.

All ideas for the programme should be channeled through the National Designated Entities (NDEs) of each participating country. The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) will select these ideas based on the criteria outlined below.

How to apply

By sending an official request signed by the NDE of the host country to UN CTCN [email protected].

Selection criteria

The sourcing of AFCIA II will be done on a rolling basis system. Countries are thus welcome to submit their request at any time to the CTCN. 

CTCN will screen innovative and transformative requests based on the following criteria based on the reviewed criteria approved during the Advisory Board held in Bonn in September 2023. As part of this revision of the criteria, gender was included as both balancing and prioritization criteria.

A series of webinars were held in October 2024 to describe the eligibility criteria and application process for AFCIA II. 

Eligibility Criteria: a technical assistance proposal must meet ALL the following criteria in order to be considered eligible.

Table 4- Minimum Eligibility Criteria


Eligibility Criteria

  • 1

  • Has the request been submitted under the right template? 
  • 2

  • Is the request signed by the NDE/DA of the host country? 
  • 3

  • Is the request focused on Adaptation to Climate Change and demonstrate building resilience to climate change in the requesting country?
  • 4

  • Does the request promote innovative, transformative and locally led adaptation climate adaptation technologies and solutions? 
  • 5

  • Does the request promote endogenous knowledge and/or locally-led technologies? 
  • 6

  • Does the request promote stakeholder engagement and women empowerment? 
  • 7

  • Does the project contribute to transfer of knowledge to the host country? 
  • 8

  • Does the request a clear and positive benefit to the requesting country in adapting to the negative effect of climate change?
  • 9

  • Does the request have potential for replication or scaling up?
  • 10

  • Is the request aligned with national strategies and plans? 
  •        11

  • Are processes in place in the requesting country to support, monitor and evaluate the project implementation?

Insert total number of Yes:

Prioritization criteria: a technical assistance request must meet at least nine of the following fifteen criteria in order to be prioritized.

Table 5- Prioritization criteria



  • 1
  • Does the request respond to a clearly identified  climate change problem and bring tangible positive adaptation benefits to support resilience-building of the most vulnerable?
  • 2
  • Does the request promote endogenous / locally-led technologies and processes?
  • 3
  • Has the technology already been positively tested locally? 
  • 4
  • Does the request demonstrate “project readiness” and have the potential for replication or scaling up (nationally, regionally, and/or internationally)?
  • 5
  • Does the project lead to strengthening the institutional capacities of the requested country?
  • 6
  • Does the request promote stakeholder engagement including community involvement?
  • 7
  • Does the request enable leveraging of public and/or private financing?
  • 8
  • Does the request promote and demonstrate social and economic benefits?
  • 9
  • Does the request promote and demonstrate gender equality, and empowerment of the most vulnerable groups, including women and youth? 
  • 10
  • Does the request support the development or deployment of innovative technologies? 
  • 11
  • Is the request aligned with CTCN´s current Programme of Work and Adaptation Fund´s priorities? 
  • 12
  • Does the request promote collaboration among stakeholders, including between countries (South-South, bilateral or multilateral cooperation)?
  • 13 
  • Has the request been developed in collaboration with the Adaptation Fund´s NIE/DA? 
  • 14
  • Is the request aligned with the priorities of the bodies under the Financial Mechanism and/or other constituted bodies under the Climate Convention? 
  • 15
  • Does the request contribute to the avoidance of conflicts in communities due to the impacts of climate change? 

Balancing criteria: a technical assistance proposal must meet at least three of the following criteria to contribute to balancing the technical assistance portfolio

Table 6 - Balancing criteria


Balancing Criteria

  • 1
  • Does the request contribute to Inter and intra-regional equity, with a preference for requests submitted by highly vulnerable and low-capacity countries including LDCs and SIDs ?
  • 2
  • Does the request contribute to a diversity and balance of adaptation solutions across sectors ?
  • 3
  • Does the request contribute to a diversity and balance on the wide range of stakeholders engaged in adaptation? 
  • 4
  • Does the request contribute to a balance of technological related activities spanning the technology cycle.
  • 5
  • Does the request integrate gender considerations and analysis in line with the updated CTCN Gender Policy?
Insert total number of Yes:
Monitoring and Evaluation

In alignment with the Adaptation Fund Evaluation requirements, UNEP’s Evaluation Policy, and the CTCN mandate, a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and Adaptation Fund Results Tracker template will be shared with the selected grantees. These documents will be updated at the start of the project to define the baseline and the target which will then be filled at mid-term and at closure. 

Safeguard Mechanism

The CTCN is committed to ensuring the ethical and responsible implementation of its projects, including those funded by micro-grants. A dedicated page on the CTCN website provides information on how to raise grievance cases and access the grievance redress mechanism for any concerns or complaints related to project implementation.

Any person or group of persons who believe that they are or may be adversely affected by an activity implemented or executed as part of the AFCIA programme can also file an online complaint through UNEP stakeholder response mechanism’s feedback form



 Find out more about the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator, AFCIA I here.