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Developing Antifouling Surfaces by Preventing Adhesion
Novel Class of Materials for Boron Extraction
Groundwater Remediation with Recycling Capabilities
Transgenic Trees Having Improved Nitrogen Metabolism
Micro Algae Technologies
The Berkeley Wedge a High-Performance Energy-Capturing Floating Breakwater or Wave Shield
Multifunctional unban forest tree species selection and application technology
Optimized Multiply-Functionalized Mesostructured Materials
C4 Plant Selective Herbicide - New approach to combat C4 weeds in arable crops
A Photoluminescent Sensor for Rapid Detection and Identification of Solvent Vapors
Ordering Algae at the Culture Collection of Georg-August-University Göttingen
A Structured Translucent Microbial Photrophic coating for the Production of Useful Gases or Electricity
Waterharmonica: natural constructed wetlands to convert tretaed wastewater into a usable water
Novel Biological Agents for Controlling Disease and Increasing Yield of Commercial Crops
New Class of Biofertilizer Promoting Growth and Stress Tolerance
Fish larvae food
Growth Promoting Properties of Newly Identified Root Fungi A. panicicola for Agricultural Applications
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Crop Resistance to Nematodes by Disrupting Host Plant Receptors of Cyst Nematode Secreted CLE Peptides
Development of a nano-C-based biocatalyst for remediation of atrazine and other environmental pollutants
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Carbon Nanoparticle for Energy Storage
Ambient Temperature Gas Sensors
Forward Osmosis separation processes using Magnesium Oxide and Carbon Dioxide
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Restoration of overgrown meadows
Wastewater irrigation of Salix Plantations - Hedemora Energy
Use of Acoustics to Disrupt and Deter Wood-infesting Insects from and within Trees
Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Materials