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Similar National Plans
Autogenerating Crisol oven (Spanish)
CHP on motor organic agents
Autorecuperative burners (Spanish)
Cogeneration by Single combined Cycle (French)
Gasification of rice husk for the production of heat and electricity (Spanish)
Forest Fire control by geographical positioning system (GPS) and remote sensing
Autoregenerative burner for metal melting and heating (Spanish)
Formal education program for schools and universities in integrated coastal management (Software) (Spanish)
Induction furnace (Spanish)
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Anaerobic digestion (Biogas plants)
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INDC of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
INDC of Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Waste water recycling technology
Development of energy efficiency and management systems to industry commercial services entities and municipalities
INDC of Peru
INDC of Costa Rica
Captación de gas de relleno sanitario y de gas de botadero de basura para el aprovechamiento energético en rellenos sanitarios ya existentes (o botaderos de basura cerrados) (TAP)
El sector transporte (TAP)
Producción de pellets y co-incineración en hornos cementeros (TAP)
Cogeneration plant based on a vapor turbine with biomass combustion
Anaerobic biodigestion for electricity generation (Spanish)
Waste Compositing
Retort - Zambia - 1
Biomethane for Transport
Retort - Zambia - 2
Conservation and Energy Efficiency (Spanish)
Forced air furnace (Spanish)