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Similar National Plans
Improved insulation of 300 existing panel apartment buildings in Ulaanbaatar
Construction of energy efficient infrastructure
In country capacity development through strengthening of institutions organizations for reducing carbon emissions in industry through switching to modern green drive
Improved insulation of panel apartment buildings
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International cooperation: Development of the bio energy in the livestock sector to replace energy used in agriculture zone and mitigate GHG emission
Improved insulation of panel apartment buildings (TAP)
Building management systems (TAP)
Mainstreaming energy efficient lighting into sub-national and national development plans
In vessel composting
Highly Efficient Heat - Ventilation and Air-conditioning Systems (HVAC)
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Solar PV systems (more than 1MW)
Biomass residue based cogeneration combined heat and power (CHP)
Building Thermal Insulation
Bus rapid transit (BRT)
Anaerobic manure digestion to produce biogas fuels
Appropriate Breeds Development
Artificial Sand Dunes and Dune Rehabilitation
Improving the resilience of protected wells to flooding Building a Concrete Apron/Collar on the well
Closing bank-protection bank and intercepting sewer
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Diffusion of drought and pest resistant varieties of crops in Bhutan by strengthening the domestic institutional structure undertaking pilots and establishing a national seed development fund
Planning for the cultivation 2 rice + fish shrimp 3 duck land converted from the 3 rice-crop land in Mekong Delta
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