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Similar National Plans
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Biodiesel - biofuels development (TAP)
Sustainable charcoal utilization and production (TAP)
Second generation biofuel
Formulation of a conducive framework for biofuels development and implementation
Production processing and use of local biofuels as a substitute for fuel fossil
Second generation biofuels (TAP)
Bioethanol from maize
Biofuels from Second Generation
Biofuels (French)
Biofuels (Spanish)
Increase the use of cleaner fuel (i.e. Liquid natural gas (LNG)/ Compressed natural gas (CNG) and biofuels)
Biofuels from sugarcane sweet
Biodiesel from jatropha
Second and third generation of biofuels
Extensive system of animal husbandry.
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INDC of Oman
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The kivu methane combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) with carbon capture - storage and sequestration (CCS) (TAP)
Kivu methane CCGT with CCS
Building national capacity to increase utilization of bio-gas technology towards enhanced conservation of forests and cleaner environment
International cooperation: Development of the bio energy in the livestock sector to replace energy used in agriculture zone and mitigate GHG emission
Application of conservative cultivation technologies (TAP)
CHP on motor organic agents
Enhanced Peat /Coal-bed methane recovery (ECBM)