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Similar National Plans
Methane capture (TAP)
Waste-to-Energy (Biomass)
Wastes Reuse
INDC of Japan
Plastic solid waste recycling
Waste (power generation)
Rainwater Harvesting and Storage in Hill Lakes
Rain water harvesting
Boreholes/tube wells as a drought intervention for domestic water supply
Crop growing under plastic mulches
Reducing water leakages in water management facilities
Smart grids (TAP)
Energy efficient in boiler (TAP)
Waste to power generation (TAP)
International cooperation: Development of the bio energy in the livestock sector to replace energy used in agriculture zone and mitigate GHG emission
Diffusion of drought and pest resistant varieties of crops in Bhutan by strengthening the domestic institutional structure undertaking pilots and establishing a national seed development fund
Biomass combustion and co-firing for electricity and heat - Moldova
Hydro power - Lebanon
Waste Paper Recycling
Reduce, reuse and recycle (3Rs)
Plant genetics to select and create new drought-, flood-, and pest-resistant species for climate change adaptation
Composite cans with paper bottoms
In vessel composting