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Similar National Plans
Similar National Plans
INDC of Tunisia
Reviewing and modifying existing laws, regulations, and policies relating to biodiversity and natural resources and incorporating climate change adaptation considerations (ensuring implementation)
Climate change adaptation for biodiversity: a ridge to reef approach in building climate resilience along the Mahaweli River
Strengthening research capacity (related to coastal resources, especially mangrove management) of the Research Institute and Marine Fisheries development of MAFF
Modeling the impact of climate change on biodiversity to predict changes for conservation and management
Development of milkfish farming technology
Ex-situ conservation for highly threatened species and possible re-introduction.
INDC of Côte d'Ivoire
INDC of Democratic Republic of the Congo
INDC of Burkina Faso
INDC of Haiti
INDC of Mauritania
Focus conservation resources and carryout special management for restricted range - highly threatened species and ecosystems (TAP)
Ex-situ conservation for highly threatened species and possible reintroduction (TAP)
Increasing connectivity through corridors - landscape matrix improvement and management (TAP)
Focus on conservation of resources and carryout special management for restricted range, highly threatened species and ecosystems
Increasing connectivity through corridors - landscape/matrix improvement and management
Awareness programme on point endemics and critically endangered species, and the importance of their conservation
Awareness programme capacity building and development of materials to promote coexistence with biodiversity
Study on identifying and prioritizing critical areas for restoration
Identification of critical areas to be connected and prioritization of required corridors
Improve management - and possibly increase extent of protected areas - buffer zones and create new areas in vulnerable zones (TAP)
Adaptive management and monitoring programs of species and ecosystems
Restoration of degraded areas inside and outside the protected area network to enhance resilience
Improving management of existing protected areas increasing extent creating buffer zones and new areas in vulnerable zones
Managing and monitoring invasive alien species (IAS)
Protecting refugia which are less vulnerable to climatic changes
Reducing other stresses on species and ecosystems
Agro forestry and radical terraces
INDC of Zambia