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Similar National Plans
Beach nourishment in Anaklia segment (TAP)
Creation of artificial cape
Decentralized early warning system (TAP)
Introduction of the reef-balls technology (TAP)
La tecnologĂa rellenos de playa (TAP)
Beach nourishment - Sri Lanka
Strengthening research capacity (related to coastal resources, especially mangrove management) of the Research Institute and Marine Fisheries development of MAFF
Artificial growing of coastal knolls in width and in height
Artificial piling of inert material
Climate change adaptation for biodiversity: a ridge to reef approach in building climate resilience along the Mahaweli River
Restoration of coral reefs by transplanting
Landslide preventive measures for minimizing of risks to population and engineering and economic facilities in Ajara region
Measures to combat soil water erosion in Adjara
Proposal for rehabilitation, renewal and optimization of irrigation systems in Kakheti region
Rehabilitation and restoration of sand dunes in north western southern & Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka as a soft barrier against sea level rise while improving socioeconomic status of coastal communities
Dune and vegetation restoration (TAP)
Dune and vegetation restoration
Restoration of coastal vegetation
Restoration of coral reefs of southern and south - western coastal belt of Sri Lanka, as a soft barrier against sea level rise and coastal erosion and as a tourist attraction to promote eco - friendly tourism
INDC of Mali
Reforestation (French)
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Developing high-quality timber trees for plantation economy
INDC of Lao People's Democratic Republic
Restoration and protection of riverbeds and their affluents through participatory reforestation campaigns
Bosques de galerĂas (TAP)
INDC of Malaysia
Beach nourishment - Viet nam
Creation of artificial underwater reef
INDC of Gabon