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Similar National Plans
Similar National Plans
Restoration of coastal vegetation
Wetland protection (TAP)
Coastal wetland protection and restoration
Restoration of mangroves
Wetland protection
Artificial growing of coastal knolls in width and in height
Research on scientific bases to assess impacts of sea dike system for sustainable development
Creation of artificial cape
Wetlands Restoration (Spanish)
Promoting micro-irrigation in drought prone areas
INDC of Antigua and Barbuda
INDC of Uganda
INDC of Russian Federation
Building a model of sustainable management of coastal wetlands of Vietnam
Sea-dike technology (TAP)
Recovery technology of coastal wetlands (TAP)
INDC of United Arab Emirates
Technologies for Coastal wetland rehabilitation
Artificial piling of inert material
Mangrove Management
Seawalls, Dikes, Barriers
Creation of artificial underwater reef
The Black Sea coastal zone (Anaklia)
Rehabilitation and restoration of sand dunes in north western southern & Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka as a soft barrier against sea level rise while improving socioeconomic status of coastal communities
Dune and vegetation restoration
Increasing connectivity through corridors - landscape matrix improvement and management (TAP)
INDC of Mali
La tecnologĂa rellenos de playa (TAP)
Construction of 15 Rain water harvesting (haffir) in 15 state
Rehabilitation of sand dunes (TAP)