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Similar National Plans
Similar National Plans
INDC of Liberia
INDC of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Boreholes tube wells (TAP)
Establishment of an ASEAN training hub for adaptation technologies in agriculture. (5 years plan)
International cooperation: Development of the bio energy in the livestock sector to replace energy used in agriculture zone and mitigate GHG emission
Rain and snow water harvesting for herder groups
Coastal vunerability sector (TAP)
The water resource management capacity development and international knowledge networking project motivation
Smart grid
Precision farming technologies (TAP)
Strengthening research capacity (related to coastal resources, especially mangrove management) of the Research Institute and Marine Fisheries development of MAFF
Climate related capacity building and strengthening for rural water supply officials at sub-national level
Agricultural forecasting and early warning systems (TAP)
Appropriate building technologies - "Technologies to build houses above flood level" (Spanish)
Supply rural population with drinking water of guaranteed quality. Building of local water supply systems.
INDC of Gambia
INDC of Kyrgyzstan
INDC of Zambia
INDC of Tunisia
INDC of Togo
Integrated farming systems (TAP)
Adaptation of Moroccan agriculture to climate change: development of an agricultural irrigation information system and dissemination of good agricultural practices for dry lands
Promotion of the mainstreaming of environment and climate change adaptation in agriculture
Crop diversification and precision farming in dry zone of Sri Lanka for managing climate change vulnerabilities, livelihood sustainability and food security
Implementation of new approach for wind-breakers development (TAP)
Adaptation of small farmers to climate change in support of the Green Morocco Plan
Institutional capacity strengthening on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation for MoWRAM and MAFF at national level
Institutional capacity strengthening on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation for PDWRAM and PDAFF at sub - national level
INDC of Panama
Pilot climate - informed planning and climate proof well designs in Takeo province