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Similar National Plans
Similar National Plans
Production processing and use of local biofuels as a substitute for fuel fossil
Bioethanol from maize
Biofuels from Second Generation
Biodiesel from jatropha
Planting of forage perennials resistant to drought and cold winter for fodder production
INDC of Argentina
INDC of Malaysia
INDC of Marshall Islands
Biodiesel - biofuels development (TAP)
Sustainable charcoal utilization and production (TAP)
Second generation biofuel
Formulation of a conducive framework for biofuels development and implementation
Second generation biofuels (TAP)
Biofuels (French)
Biofuels (Spanish)
Increase the use of cleaner fuel (i.e. Liquid natural gas (LNG)/ Compressed natural gas (CNG) and biofuels)
Biofuels from sugarcane sweet
Second and third generation of biofuels
Rain and snow water harvesting for herder groups
Producing supplement forage with bacterial enzymes for livestock
INDC of El Salvador
INDC of Chad
Integrated farming systems (TAP)
Shifting from triple cropping to double cropping plus shrimp fish poultry farming (TAP)
Establishment of special agricultural R&D centre
Promotion of drought tolerant and early maturing crop varieties
Promotion of integrated farming systems
Crop diversification and precision farming in dry zone of Sri Lanka for managing climate change vulnerabilities, livelihood sustainability and food security
Construction of 15 Rain water harvesting (haffir) in 15 state
El sector agricola. Optimización del uso del nitrógeno en las actividades agrícolas-ganaderas (TAP)