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The sensor webs (TAP)
Smart grids (TAP)
Coastal vunerability sector (TAP)
Introduction of crop species resistant to expected climate change technology (TAP)
Energy efficient in boiler (TAP)
Waste to power generation (TAP)
Transfer and implementation of advanced technology (software) for mapping of climate change related extreme geological processes and providing long-term forecast of their development (TAP)
Seasonal climate prediction (TAP)
Strengthening research capacity (related to coastal resources, especially mangrove management) of the Research Institute and Marine Fisheries development of MAFF
The networking and management of water infrastructures (TAP)
Second generation biofuels (TAP)
Sustainable culture-based fisheries
Reviewing and modifying existing laws, regulations, and policies relating to biodiversity and natural resources and incorporating climate change adaptation considerations (ensuring implementation)
Management of Health Care waste
Improved Crop Varieties (Imported)
Integrated Soil Nutrient Management
Appropriate Varietal development
Transmission Lines Upgrade
INDC of Central African Republic
INDC of Guinea
INDC of Algeria
INDC of Chad
INDC of Micronesia (Federated States of)
Forest-peat carbon measurement and monitoring (TAP)
Heating pumps technology (TAP)
Nutrition enhancement in dairy cattle (TAP)
Biogas for heating cooking and efficient stoves technology (TAP)
The construction of municipality solid waste gasification plant for electricity and heat production (GP-MSW)
Construction of a factory for production of prefabricated biogas units accompanied with support program
Strengthening of the drinking water supply of several cities in Morocco by desalinating water meret by demineralization of brackish water