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Similar National Plans
Similar National Plans
Development of short-maturing rice varieties
Development of drought-tolerant rice varieties
INDC of Saint Kitts and Nevis
INDC of Liberia
Coastal protection and coastal reclamation technologies
Upscaling of locally proven IPM technologies for control of pest of economic importance
Management of Health Care waste
Boreholes/tube wells as a drought intervention for domestic water supply
Strengthening of the flood warning system
Crop diversification and precision farming in dry zone of Sri Lanka for managing climate change vulnerabilities, livelihood sustainability and food security
Improvement of health care waste management in all health institutions to minimize the effects of climate change related adverse health effects
Using automatic water level in monitoring station
Integrated pest management (IPM) technology (TAP)
Cultivation engineering of beef cattle technology (TAP)
Comprehensive disaster management incorporating early warning systems and involving community (TAP)
Integrated Climate Change Monitoring and Early Warning System
Protecting refugia which are less vulnerable to climatic changes
Urban Infrastructure Development
Integrate Pest Management (IPM)
Diffusion of drought and pest resistant varieties of crops in Bhutan by strengthening the domestic institutional structure undertaking pilots and establishing a national seed development fund
Plant genetics to select and create new drought-, flood-, and pest-resistant species for climate change adaptation
Early Warning System for Water Supply Management (river flow) through Snowpack Monitoring
Energy management system implementation
Efficient water use irrigation systems (EWUIS)
Drinking water quality improvement through continued surveillance during and after extreme weather events
Environmental Services. Rating forest environmental services and the establishment of a pilot PES and monitoring mechanisms (Spanish)
Monitoring sea-level, tide, salinity, sedimentation and coastal erosion
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Forest-peat carbon measurement and monitoring (TAP)