In 2010 the World Food Programme (WFP) conducted a gender assessment to inform WFP’s Bangladesh Country Strategy and Country Programme for 2012 – 2016. This brief assessment provided a set of programme specific and cross-sectoral recommendations to improve and sustain gendered aware thinking in WFP projects and programmes. For example, in maternal and child nutrition activities it was found that mother-in laws have extensive decision-making power over the preparation, sharing and storage of food in the household. Husbands and in-laws also have a significant role in deciding timings to end breastfeeding and introduce complementary foods to infants. As a result, WFP activities now promote the involvement of key family members and community gate keepers in awareness raising activities on maternal and child nutrition. This brief also looks at the food and cash for work activities that are targeted at very poor women. The assessment resulted in the schemes providing gender sensitive facilities including a child care venue and separate toilets for women and men. Since completion of this assessment, WFP has also adopted a number of measures to strengthen gender mainstreaming in their operations which includes a developing and delivering gender awareness training to staff, partners and government counterparts to equip them with necessary skills for reporting on gender related activities.

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