This white paper is part of Gender Equality for Climate Change Opportunities by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2014. Developed through a literature review and individual consultations with experts and validated through an experts' workshop, the paper considers the most recent work on the intersection of gender and energy. According to the authors, a current knowledge gap at the intersection of clean energy, climate change mitigation, and gender equality is an impediment to reaching development and economic goals, including mitigating climate change and fostering the advancement of women. The paper identifies initial strategies for closing such gaps, while acknowledging and building on existing research and experience on gender issues regarding energy at the household and micro to medium scales. The authors intend to demonstrate that gender equality can be a driver of more effective clean energy investments and that a gender lens can be applied at every level of the energy value chain. Their findings identify and address knowledge gaps, raise awareness, and provide recommendations for actions and further research to implement gender-responsive clean energy and climate change mitigation initiatives.

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Energy efficiency
Renewable energy