With a specific focus on Uganda, this report examines the impacts of climate changes on agriculture, pastoralism, health and water. The report aims to serve as a stimulus for change for people in developing countries like Uganda who are feeling the worst impacts of climate change, even though their contribution to global warming has been miniscule. It is explained that food insecurity in Uganda is a major challenge and climate shocks are making food insecurity worse. Impacts are greatest on the lives of ordinary people, especially women, frustrating their efforts to overcome poverty. The government of Uganda is planning how the country can adapt to climate change, and how these measures can be aligned to poverty reduction strategies. For a start, Uganda is beginning to look for nearly 40 million U.S Dollars to implement immediate and urgent adaptation measures. It is argued that if Ugandans desire to continue striving to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, action must be taken now. It is believed that increasing people’s capacity to adapt to climate change will achieve a double benefit, by contributing to the goal of overcoming poverty and suffering in Uganda. Actions should include:
implementing adaptation - the government is, to an extent, aware of the possible consequences of climate change, and aims to pilot adaptation through the National Adaptation Programmes of Action
funding for adaptation - this will come from many sources, national and international, but rich country governments have special responsibilities to ensure that good adaptation plans are implemented
involving communities - understanding of the social dimensions of climate change is crucial. Communities must be consulted and involved in order to build their resilience
investing in agriculture - investment in and better management of rain-fed agricultural systems, the bedrock of Uganda’s agriculture, is essential
securing water - sufficient safe water to meet the basic needs of all citizens is not only critical for adaptation to climate change, it is also a human right and the basis for improving health and well being and tackling poverty.