This publication came out of a 2013 workshop organised by the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) partners LIFE and GENANET, together with the German Ministry of Environment, in Berlin. The aim of the workshop was to discuss how women’s unpaid work and care economy can be incorporated into sustainable development to achieve gender justice. Scholars and activists from around the world discussed the growing concern about the emergent terminology of “green economy” in development agendas that ignore its social and environment dimensions.
The report includes reflections on the workshop and its themes as well as recommendations cased on two statements:

‘Environmental pressure exacerbates the care burden, creating a care deficit. This is particularly evident in the Global South because of poor women's dependency on natural resources in rural areas to provide livelihoods.’
‘The "crisis of care" increases the ecological footprint, crating further environmental degradation. This is particularly evident in the global north. The crisis of care is the result of the unequal distribution of unpaid care work between women and men, and the subsequent valuation and exploitation.’

Publication date
Type of publication
Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making
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