In the twenty-first century, energy producers must meet environmental targets, leading to shift away from fossil fuels towards renewable source of energy. As a result, biomass is becoming an increasingly attractive option to energy providers. Biomass is a clear, cost effective and simple method which is estimated to produce more than 50 percent of the world's energy in the next century. In this study, the role and feasibility of incineration power plants in producing energy, based on the municipal solid wastes in the city of Isfahan, as well as, the income to be earned through such power plants, have been investigated. Based on the investigations made, the applicable power for incineration power plants in cities of Isfahan is 11.45 MW, and the environmental income to be earned by the same, is 955,388,000 Rials.

Publication date
Cross-sectoral enabler
Communication and awareness
Economics and financial decision-making
CTCN Keyword Matches
Switch from fossil fuel to biomass
Biomass power
Municipal solid waste
Fossil fuels to natural gas
Non-ferrous metals
Residential water heaters
Iran (Islamic Republic of)