The South South North network adopts a pragmatic approach to tackling climate change and sustainable development. This module incorporates the main approaches and provides a toolkit for practitioners wishing to implement mitigation and/or adaptation in communities in developing countries. These tools and methodologies are gleaned from a learning-by-doing approach from projects implemented in Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tanzania and Mozambique.
The paper describes six cross cutting programmes: 

Mitigation programme is developing at least five CDM and non CDM projects in three developing countries and two in least developed countries 
Adaptation programme is developing at least seven community-based adaptation projects in three developing countries and three least developed countries 
Capacity building programme is helping to build the capacity of SSN teams and partners to disseminate learning around the world 
Technical receptivity programme provides technical assistance 
Policy intervention programme assists national and international policy processes by making interventions on the lessons learned from SSN projects 
 Monitoring programme monitors all SSN activities

Each of these programmes is described in turn to demonstrate the variety of approaches and tools emphasised in the different programmes: 

The SSN mitigation programme describes the SSN Matrix Tool of criteria and indicators for appraising sustainable development projects, and demonstrates this through various case studies in Brazil, Indonesia, Tanzania and Mozambique
The SSN adaptation programme details the community based approach to adaptation (CBA) and details the SSN Adaptation Project Protocol “SSNAPP” methodology. This includes the selection of community based projects, and ‘mapping’ of vulnerable areas, and poor people within those areas through a ‘top-down’ approach of social and environmental indicators. This is followed by a ‘bottom-up’ approach of identifying a beneficiary community, to confirm vulnerability ‘hotspots’ and learn about current coping mechanisms to incorporate into an adaptation strategy 
The SSN capacity building approach deals with indicators of sustainability
The SSN technology receptivity programme describes the steps for identifying and contributing to the technical receptivity and capacity of the programme

Publication date
Type of publication
Community based
CTCN Keyword Matches
Community based
Traditional building materials and design
United Republic of Tanzania
South Africa
Ecosystem monitoring
Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry