In a joint venture with French partner Sofregaz, Ramboll will develop an integrated gas-to-power project for Morocco’s state power and water utility ONEE.

Ramboll and Sofregaz will be the technical advisor on the project, which will enable Morocco to secure and provide affordable energy supply while taking the next steps towards carbon-reduced energy supply.

Scope of work

The intention is to connect natural gas pipelines to the combined cycle power plants and eventually the natural gas underground storage facilities. A high-pressure gas pipeline will be built to connect the 5bn m³/yr onshore LNG regasification in the receiving terminal through to the existing Maghreb-Europe high-pressure gas pipeline. Under the planned project, Morocco intends to set up 2400 MW capacity in 2 x 1.2 GW of gas fired combined-cycle gas turbine power plants (CCGT).

The project is expected to be ordered as a single BOOT contract.


Publication date
Type of publication
Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Single cycle to combined cycle power generation