This publication reflects the outcome of an initiative to identify instances of exemplary forest management in the region and examine the core components of high quality forest management in an effort to illustrate good forest management to a wide audience and encourage others to take up some of the most promising ideas, methods and approaches. More than 170 nominations were received from 21 countries in the region. Twenty-eight case studies were selected. Each describes innovations in meeting management challenges and of initiatives that might provide learning experiences for other forest managers. The book dispels the myth that there is no positive forestry being practiced in the region and celebrates the achievements of forest managers, farmers and local communities in balancing the range of socio-economic and environmental demands made on forests.
Case studies included in this volume include the Philippines, Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Fiji, Korea, China, Lao PDR, and Japan.
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CTCN Keyword Matches
Sustainable forest management
New Zealand