Current efforts to mitigate climate change stem from the Kyoto Protocol of the UNFCCC, along with growing voluntary efforts in different parts of the world. Kyoto mechanisms have made important contributions to mitigation efforts through the bottom-up approach of learning-by-doing. To enable the scaling up of mitigation efforts, it is necessary to build on the current scientific knowledge, technologies, and experience from the project-based mechanisms to develop simplified methodological approaches for large-scale mitigation programs. This document discusses potential vertical and horizontal aggregations for scaling-up mitigation efforts and their features, and provides examples of potential mitigation programmes.The document identifies the following criteria for quantifying the impacts of the mitigation efforts:

the performance metric could be framed in terms of energy intensity to ensure that it does not cap improvements in the quality of life of people in developing countries
criteria will include desirability of achieving a large-scale transformation of the economy/sector, at optimum level of transaction costs
  it incorporates the sustainable development and non-GHG, local environmental benefits
the methodologies for large scale programs will have to develop standardised procedures that permit use of default values to promote simplification and to be cost-effective
the main building blocks of a mitigation program could be quantification of benefits, stakeholder capacity and implementation mechanisms
an aggregator could utilise direct measurement techniques or adopt default values based on technical and scientific data or a judicious and conservative combination of the two
there is a small-scale methodology for demand side efficient lighting projects
the determination of a baseline envelope for programs at the aggregate level is important
identifying categories of activities with high sustainable development and carbon mitigation benefits will immensely support scaling-up of mitigation efforts

The paper discusses the way forward with the following points:

scaling-up of mitigation efforts is a realistic opportunity and resources for it could be easier to mobilise once methods and approaches to design, implementation, and quantification of impacts are defined
quantifying national GHG inventories requires the creation of a framework that harnesses specific GHG mitigation opportunities using natural aggregators at appropriate scales
it is important to build on the current scientific knowledge, technologies, and experience to encourage the development of simplified methodological approaches for large-scale mitigation programs.

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CTCN Keyword Matches
Traditional building materials and design
Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry
Stakeholder consultations