This renewable energy country profile is a knowledge product derived from the SREP Investment Plan. Its objective is to showcase to the renewable energy status of Tanzania, its development options, and opportunities and constraints.
Tanzania is one of the pilot countries selected to benefit from the Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programme (SREP) in low-income countries. The SREP, which operates under the Strategic Climate Fund, part of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), aims to demonstrate the economic, social and environmental viability of a low-carbon development pathway. It does so by creating new economic opportunities and increasing energy access through the production and use of renewable energy. The SREP Tanzania Investment Plan was prepared under the leadership of the Government of Tanzania (GoT), through a national task force led by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) with support from multilateral development banks (MDBs). The plan was developed in line with the government’s strategy for renewable energy development, as stipulated in the Tanzania National Development Vision 2025, the National Energy Policy of 2003 and the National Strategy for Economic Growth and Reduction of Poverty, as well as the key principles of the National Climate Change Strategy.

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Renewable energy