How have bilateral development cooperation agencies attempted to mainstream gender equality perspectives in their work on environment' Intended to support agencies' implementation of the OECD Development Assistance Committee's policy statement, 'Shaping the 21st century: the contribution of development co- operation' (1996), this report presents the key findings and good practices from the reports of seven bilateral agencies. These efforts are discussed in relation to: policy; institutional/organisational level; policy dialogue; tools and methodologies; monitoring and evaluation; and donor agency capacity. Five key areas for future attention are discussed: (i) getting agency fundamentals right, particularly in areas of leadership, allocation of responsibility to all staff, and dedication of resources; (ii) documenting the key linkages/ rationales for the consideration of gender equality and environmental sustainability; (iii) moving the analysis and focus up from the community level to include broader spheres of activity, such as gender issues in institutions involved in decision-making around environmental issues; (iv) bringing a gender equality perspective to capacity development in environment; and, (v) moving towards mainstreaming strategies with an 'agenda setting' focus.
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