This report is an Executive Summary of a series of manuals and guidebooks in support of low-emission climate-resilient development strategy (LECRDS). The manuals and guidebooks draw upon the experience and information generated by UNDP’s support for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and National Communications to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It presents detailed step-by-step guidance for the following:

identification of key stakeholders and establishment of participatory planning and coordination frameworks
generation of climate change profiles and vulnerability scenarios
identification and prioritisation of mitigation and adaptation options
assessment of financing requirements
development of low-emission climate-resilient roadmaps for project development, policy instruments, and financial flows.

Step 1, to develop a multi-stakeholder planning process, includes establishing the LECRDS project team, reviewing and compiling information on existing climate assessments and plans, establishing LECRDS steering committee, identifying and creating policy and technical working groups, identifying technical capacity needs and implement training and putting in place communications and awareness-raising strategy directed towards a wide range of authorities, partners, and stakeholders. The second step is to prepare climate change profiles and vulnerability scenarios. The third step of the process is to identify strategic options leading to low-emission climate-resilient development trajectories through reviewing climate profiles and vulnerability scenarios, determining emission reduction targets and identifying the related opportunities and options to achieve them. The fourth step is to identify policies and financing options to implement priority climate change actions, which involves bringing together potential public and private partners, supported by relevant technical and financial experts, to jointly assess and develop the priority options identified. The fifth and final step is to prepare a comprehensive low-emission climate-resilient roadmap to guide formulation of projects and policy instruments, and to secure investment and financial flows for implementation of priority integrated climate and sustainable development activities by governmental and nongovernmental (NGOs) actors and agencies. The paper recommends that:

long-term planning exercises such as LECRDS need to be reviewed and updated on a regular basis with data from current climate impact scenarios and monitoring of low-emission and climate-resilient sustainable development activities
there is a need to determine whether to institutionalise the LECRDS steering committee and thematic working groups to ensure implementation oversight over the medium and long term, or to mainstream LECRDS coordination and implementation responsibilities within the existing administration
there is a need to incorporate into the LECRDs roadmap a vision of how the partnership and coordination platform may evolve over time with regards to its roles, responsibilities, and activities in the future.

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Renewable energy
CTCN Keyword Matches
Disaster risk reduction
Stakeholder consultations
Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry
Climate change monitoring
Pasture management
Non-ferrous metals
Ecosystem monitoring