It is identified in this paper that climate change is already happening and is likely to result in a variety of impacts for the foreseeable future. These impacts will hit the poor the hardest and due to their unpredictable nature adaptation is an essential measure to reduce vulnerability.A particular focus on disaster risk reduction is required and therefore it is important to integrate risk reduction strategies into humanitarian and development strategies. The following seven steps for reducing risk were identified by the authors: preliminary climate risk assessmentassess priorities and plan follow-upraise awarenessestablish and enhance partnershipshighlight vulnerability with other actorsdocument and share experiences and informationadvocacy.The threat posed by climate change cuts across several sectors including humanitarian aid, development, health and livelihoods, and few countries or donors have succeeded in enforcing adaptation programmes integrating all sectors. The authors seek to highlight that the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies spans all such sectors and is ideally positioned to advocate for and to pursue a policy of risk reduction across all its programmes.
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Disaster risk reduction
Community based
CTCN Keyword Matches
Disaster risk reduction
Climate change monitoring
Mitigation in the pulp and paper industry
Community based