This report addresses whether energy storage can increase the share of renewable energy in total generation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) The rationale for using energy storage in combination with renewable energy in the LAC region is that it can enable a larger scale deployment of cost-saving intermittent renewable energy, with which the region is highly endowed, without threatening grid stability or the ability to meet electricity demand. To test this rationale, the authors consider three case studies that represent the key market types in LAC: a small off-grid town, a small island country, and a large interconnected market. They find that energy storage technologies can increase the share of intermittent renewable energy in total generation by (1) providing backup power at times when intermittent renewable energy technologies cannot generate power (to maintain grid stability) and (2) providing energy management services that allow system operators to forecast when they will be able to use electricity from intermittent renewable energy (to maintain the ability to meet electricity demand at all times).

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