The Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) is committed to the integration of a gender perspective into humanitarian responses and policies. Emergencies and disasters have a different impact on women and men. As a consequence of conflict, women often become heads of households with added responsibilities and workload, their reproductive rights and physical integrity are abused, and their nutritional and health needs neglected. With this document, IASC commits itself to gender equality, the equal participation of women and men to peace negotiations, and the integration of a gender perspective to humanitarian responses. To do that, it will ensure that gender is integrated in all their activities, especially strategic planning, approach to emergencies and women's participation in planning, designing and monitoring. It will also aim at producing data disaggregated by gender and age and applying appropriate gender tools to reporting, research, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.

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CTCN Keyword Matches
Ecosystem monitoring
Heat wave plans and emergency response