Recognizing the significance of their natural and cultural diversity and the vulnerability of their ecological, social and economic values from world events and natural disasters, Grenada, made a committment in 2008 to conservation.

As with most small-island developing states, and many continental countries considered developed, Grenada has made modest gains in protecting and managing its nationally significant natural and cultural resources.

The plan for protected areas in Grenada is composed of two parts.

This part identifies sites that the Government should consider for designation as protected areas; and a separate companion document, that outlines ways and means to manage and administer the sites designated.

The purpose of this part of the plan, Part 1, is to confirm Grenada’s existing protected areas and identify nationally-significant marine and terrestrial environments that meet the criteria as potential protected areas and could be designated, in a phased approach, as protected areas by 2020.

Publication date
Type of publication
Disaster risk reduction
CTCN Keyword Matches
Designing protected areas
Disaster risk reduction