This toolkit, prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), provides guidelines for integrating HIV and gender equality into the design and implementation of agricultural and food security programmes. It highlights the ways in which food security, gender, poverty and HIV intersect, and presents questions and tips to guide the design of logical frameworks and policy formation. Questions include: 'is gender equality, HIV/AIDS, and food security expertise included adequately in terms of reference and project teams?' Potential indicators are also suggested, such as ?increased representation of women, girls, and people living with HIV and AIDS in process and decision-making positions in the rural development sector, and partner and community institutions working on rural livelihoods and food security?. Key interventions are also outlined, designed to promote gender equality and address the impacts of HIV when developing food security programmes. These include promoting women's property and inheritance rights, providing flexible farm finance services which are sensitive to HIV and gender equality concerns, and providing labour saving technologies. The toolkit recommends a range of education and training interventions to raise awareness of HIV and gender, to promote knowledge of nutrition and to empower women. It also recommends working with boys and girls to preserve agricultural knowledge and also to assist them in developing life skills.
Publication date
Type of publication
Human health
CTCN Keyword Matches
Community based