Women and girls are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. In many developing contexts, women’s livelihoods are dependent on climate-sensitive sectors such as subsistence agriculture, forestry and water. Although women and girls typically have less capacity and resources than men and boys to prepare for and adapt to climate change they are often leaders in developing effective coping strategies and building resilience. Both women and men have important insights to contribute to designing and implementing effective climate responses and should be fully included in decision-making relating to climate change at all levels.
This brief is a contribution to the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21). It provides an overview of how well members of the OECD (Organisations for Economic Co-operation and Development) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are integrating gender equality into their bilateral aid to climate change, and calls on DAC members to step-up their commitments to integrate gender equality in all aspects of climate action as a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development for all.
Main findings of this brief include:

In 2013, only 29% of DAC members’ bilateral aid to climate change targeted gender equality of which just 3% of aid to climate change targeted gender equality as a principal objective.
Aid to climate change adaptation has a stronger focus on gender equality than aid to mitigation. 
Gender-responsive approaches are needed across all climate-related sectors. While gender equality is quite well integrated in climate-related aid to agriculture and water, it is poorly addressed in economic infrastructure sectors. 
More needs to be done to improve women’s opportunities to participate in the green economy, notably through ensuring that women benefit equally from development projects focusing on clean technology and renewable energy. 



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CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring