How can indigenous and gender concerns be included in natural resource management projects? In most developing countries, women, particularly indigenous women, are responsible for obtaining water and fuel and for managing household consumption. As a result, they are especially concerned with the quality and sustainability of natural resources. Yet, because women are largely absent from decision-making, environmental policies often do not take into account the close links between their daily lives and the environment. This guide aims to offer some conceptual and practical tools for improving natural resource management activities with a gender perspective. It also aims to start a dialogue among practitioners as to how gender and indigenous concerns can best become an integrated part of any natural resource management process. The resource is divided into three parts: part one presents a number of case studies of the consequences of excluding and including indigenous and gender concerns in relation to natural resource management; part two provides suggestions and recommendations for including indigenous and gender concerns in natural resource management activities based on a project cycle approach; and part three (the Annexes) gives background information on the Network on Indigenous Peoples, Gender and Natural Resource Management (IGNARM).

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Endogenous technologies
Energy efficiency
Infrastructure and Urban planning
CTCN Keyword Matches
Community based