
To provide support and training in the Gold Standard for CDM to increase the supply of quality energy efficiency and renewable energy projects accessing carbon markets.

Main Activities

  • Conduct training on the identification and development of Gold Standard CDM projects;
  • Identify suitable potential Gold Standard projects;
  • Support and coach project development using the Gold Standard as a guideline;
  • Attract carbon finance to the Gold Standard project portfolio by organising a "buyers' forum" at Carbon Expo;
  • Global outreach and knowledge transfer - information on the Gold Standard projects will be disseminated to raise the profile of good quality renewable and energy efficiency projects under the CDM and the benefits to project developers in terms of increased financing.

Expected Impact

  • Increased clean energy projects benefiting from the CDM through training and dissemination on the Gold Standard;
  • Increased project developers' capacity to advance Gold Standard CDM projects through training on the Gold Standard for CDM;
  • For at least three real EE and RE projects Gold Standard PDDs will be finalised and projects brought closer to securing CDM financing.
Publication date
Type of publication
REEEP Project Outputs
Renewable energy
CTCN Keyword Matches
Governance and planning