Today climate change adaptation is a mainstream development issue. The UK Government-commissioned Stern Review last year analysed the economics of adaptation and NGO campaigns have focused on its justice and equity dimensions. The challenge now is to embed adaptation within wider development debates and practices. This issue of In Focus comprises eight two-page briefing notes on a variety of topics related to adaptation. They draw on research conducted by IDS Fellows and their research partners to highlight ongoing work on reducing vulnerability and poverty in a changing climate. The issue includes the following briefing notes:

embedding climate change adaptation in the development process
pro-poor climate change adaptation: a research agenda
connecting social protection and climate change adaptation
role of children in adapting to climate change
screening climate risks to development cooperation
building climate change resilient cities
mainstreaming climate change adaptation in development countries 
towards 'climate smart' organisations 

Publication date
Type of publication
Community based
Disaster risk reduction
CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring