Post-disaster strategies that ignore the gendered effects of disaster will inevitably fail. Following the 2010 earthquake, the needs assessment led by Haiti's government (supported by the World Bank) did not address gender issues. This coalition gender shadow report, written by women from diverse backgrounds working in Haitian communities and the international arena, aims to provide all stakeholders involved in Haiti's reconstruction (policymakers, donors, civil society groups, etc) with missing gender content. It makes seven key human rights-based gender intervention recommendations to achieve greater inclusion and success in current redevelopment efforts: I. Consultation with women and women’s groups in every post-disaster reconstruction project and all disaster preparedness planning is an essential requirement. II. Immediately strengthen IDP camp security, shelters and services by targeting gender-based violence, malnutrition and disease. III. Implement and enforce gender equity and anti-discrimination laws, particularly against sexual violence, sexual harassment and human trafficking. IV. Create a National Redevelopment Gender Advisory Task Force comprised of government officials from disparate ministries, civil society members and grassroots groups. V. Clarify women’s unique post-disaster vulnerabilities and integrate them into infrastructure reconstruction, environmental strategies and national economic planning. VI. Create a health system that prioritises the sexual and reproductive needs of women and their roles as caretakers for children, the elderly and disabled people. VII. Transition to a national education system that provides free primary education and protects children from domestic servitude and illegal labour practices.This shadow report was filed by the following organisations: Women’s International Network of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), Equality Now, Gender and Disaster Network, Groots International, Huairou Commission, Lambi Fund of Haiti, MADRE, ORÉGAND (Observatoire sur le développement régional et l’analyse différenciée selon les sexes), PotoFanm + Fi: Rebuilding Haiti Initiative and .g+dsr.
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