
To build local expert capacity in clean energy project finance and development in Brazil, China, India and South Africa.

To realise eight renewable and energy efficiency Gold Standard CDM  Project Design Documents (GS PDDS) with financial plans.

Main Activities

  • Recruit experts in target countries (China, Brazil, India, and South Africa)
  • Educate and brief the recruited experts, providing a GS Local Expert network whereby South-South learning and harmonisation of efforts can occur
  • Provide local expert support (financial and technical) to project developers using the GS methodology
  • Local expert provides free assistance in the completion of at least two GS PDDs in each country, including a finance plan
  • Develop a finance and project development "tool kit" in Portuguese, Hindi, English and Chinese for public use, by Gold Standard Staff, in collaboration with local experts
  • Organise a final "South-South" knowledge sharing workshop for the four local experts and the GS Staff to share experiences, strengthen the South-South network and build a road map for multiplication and upscaling of the project's achievements
  • Develop four local experts in GS methodology and project finance who are subsequently able to multiply the project's benefits after the REEEP portion of the project is complete

Expected Impact

  • Provide local support for utilising the CDM Gold Standard to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy in China, Brazil, India and South Africa for at least eight projects
  • By using the GS methodology and empowering local experts to lead projects through the financial and technical hurdles associated with the carbon market, the GS Local Expert Programme ensures that CDM projects reap benefits for local communities and therefore contribute to millennium development goals achievement.
  • Target countries with a rapid demand for energy services and promote projects that forward social, environmental and economic goals. This enhances international efforts to tackle climate change and promote energy security while at the same time advancing the achievement of the MDGs.
Publication date
Type of publication
REEEP Project Outputs
Cross-sectoral enabler
Governance and planning
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Governance and planning