Gender analysis is rarely used to improve the effectiveness of nutrition interventions and their links to agriculture to reduce hunger and malnutrition. To address this issue, the third Agriculture-Nutrition Advantage Project workshop was held for ICRW/IFPRI/USAID country team members from Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Uganda. This report summarizes the workshop activities, which kicked off with presentations of achievements aimed at strengthening this linkage. In Ghana, for example, the team advised curriculum planners and educators, based on their review of nutrition and agriculture training programs, on steps to make their curriculum gender-sensitive. As a result, gender is being integrated into medical and nursing curricula, and nutrition will be integrated into agricultural training institutions. The remainder of the workshop focused on using gender analysis as a means to enhance results. Sessions were organized to address the following seven steps in gender analysis: 1. Understanding basis terms and operational levels (policy - institutions - households); 2. Constructing a conceptual framework; 3. Collecting information; 4. Analysing and interpreting this information; 5. Applying findings; 6. Measuring success; 7. Presenting information to key actors. The workshop resulted in an enhanced ability by participants to skilfully apply a variety of practical tools to analyse gender issues and formulate responses through their country plans of action.

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Infrastructure and Urban planning
Human health
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