What are the gendered impacts of climate change at household level in Sub Saharan Africa? How can the capacity of women and men be strengthened to better adapt to climate change and climate variability? This executive summary provides an analysis of the findings of eight case studies carried out in Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and South Africa. It finds that women cope better with the impacts of changing circumstances than men, as women are more likely to explore opportunities that enable them to cope better. Women are also repositories of knowledge about crops and climate, the environment, natural resources, and food preservation techniques. However this knowledge does not make women less vulnerable. For instance they are not typically empowered in policy making processes that in turn impact their operational capacity and ability. Recommendations include the need for government officials and decision-makers to interact with rural communities including women and involve them in decision making. and to develop sensitisation programmes to eliminate gender stereotypes where they create barriers for opportunities for women, men and children. A further recommendation is to promote land reform and support the land’s beneficiaries. Women’s role as custodians of land management information, recipients of microcredit, producers and care givers must be reflected in land and agriculture reform policy.
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South Africa