This focus study presents up-to-date insights in the implementation status of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) programmes of activities (PoA), especially considering the current context of low CER prices, and offers ideas into how best to support existing activities.
The status report presents data from a sample of 74 PoAs registered by the end of 2012. For each PoA, a set of over 30 questions was sent to respondents. The questions were around five main topics: project status, Emissions Reductions Purchase Agreements (ERPA) situation / CER marketing approach, verification and issuance, barriers and costs, and support.
The focus study is based on case studies with PoA stakeholders and builds on the data and findings presented in “ Analysing the status quo of CDM projects – status and prospects” , (Warnecke, Day and Klein, 2015), hereafter referred to as the status report, which was published in May 2015 as part of the research project
Recommendations focus on other themes identified in the analysis and address strategies to:
Make the outcomes more predictable
Increase access to financing
Build local capacities
Simplify and streamline CDM processes