Bangladesh is extremely climate vulnerable, and will be even more so due to climate change. DFID Bangladesh is a major provider of climate financing in Bangladesh, and has been supporting the country through the Bangladesh Climate Change Resilience Fund (BBCRF), the Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) and the small Strategic Fund. It is now looking to develop an innovative climate change programme that will: respond to the country’s needs, align with Government of Bangladesh (GoB) priorities, add value in a complex landscape, learn from the past, and build on new relevant research.

This study was conducted to investigate the needs and examine the options for the design of a new DFID Bangladesh Climate Change programme. It builds on experience gained through the current programmes, and focuses on addressing the needs of Bangladesh in adapting to climate change over different time scales (short term: next 5-10 years; medium term: 10-20 years; and long term: more than 20 years).

Publication date
Type of publication
Disaster risk reduction
Community based
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